Video Stories

Digital media is constantly evolving, and in order to showcase the vision and beauty of my region, I am working on creating a variety of stories. Nowadays, social videos without narration have become extremely popular. As a journalist, I strive to keep up with new trends and adapt to the changing landscape.

Central Asia is often underrepresented in the Global Media, and a significant part of Eurasia lacks proper video storytelling. My aim is to fill this gap. I handle the scripting, pitching, and editing of my videos myself, and much of my fieldwork is a vital and rewarding aspect of my journalism career.

Human rights, gender equality, climate change, healthcare, music, culture, and energy issues are my main topics of video storytelling.

  1. Young Kyrgyz Mother’s Yurt Camp On Central Asia’s Highest Peak

  2. Another Two Months: A Kyrgyz Court’s Decision For 11 Journalists

  1. Persian-Style Wedding In Uzbekistan: Throwing Money Into The Air

  2. Tajikistan Shortens List Of Jobs Banned For Women

  3. Galloping At The Gender Gap: Kyrgyz Woman Challenges Male-Dominated Sport

  4. What’s Driving A Rash Of A Suicides In A Remote Kyrgyz Town?